Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Not to be missed at the end of the book is a little “pop” quiz from your teacher, Mr. Dilenschneider.

In it, he asks, among other things, “What are three specific steps you intend to take in the next month to inject power and influence into your life?”

Let’s see what some of the EASIEST STEPS might be (your Blogster’s suggestions):

1. Adopt a totally different MINDSET regarding technology and how it can “enhance” your life. Rather than saying, “Oh, I hate the tiny little keyboard on my Treo. I never use it.” TRY USING IT!. You might be AMAZED what you can do on a personal level. And while you’re at it, try SYNCHING IT to your laptop or home desktop PC, so you have back-ups of all your data. And get out the manual for your new digital camera and for the digital DVD burner in your laptop and TRY MAKING SOME DVD’s of your next presentation or PowerPt slide show.

2. Start reading the Technology column in The Wall St. Journal now and then, and learn about the lastest, new-fangled electronic toys that might be used to keep you business on the cutting edge of things (more appealing to younger people who seem to lap this sort of stuff up like we used to eat Snickers Bars).

3. Transfer ONLY THE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE into your cell phone from your Rolodex. Start calling them on a regular basis. (Stick them in if they are not there.) Again, amazing things can start happening as your networking skills develop and mature. Give them “speed dial” buttons (like 1#) to making dialing them a snap (use 1# for your spouse or best friend, by the way).

That should be you well started. For the BIG THREE STEPS, maybe try these:

1. Walk down the halls in your company and ask someone to demonstrate your company’s latest software, or other database software, including your client lists, purchasing/sourcing supplier lists, etc., to get a better sense of how these link up with your accounting systems. If they don’t, start asking questions about why they don’t. In some companies this might take a year or more to synch up. Call a meeting and get started having your IT folks to other departments on a regular basis.

2. Check to see if your company has considered starting or expanding its Intranet to include a wealth of critical decision-making data, easily extracted from your mainframe or offsite data farms. If these terms make no sense, find someone in the company to explain then to you.

3. Instead of sending an email to get someone’s attention, why not send a TEXT MESSAGE. If this is Greek to you (how to do all this), ask someone under the age of 10 how to do it…….

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